近年、海外での人気も急速に高まっているONE OK
サムライ・フィクション』などを手がける中野裕之氏が監督を務めたこの作品に映し出されるONE OK ROCKの姿とは?
- ――ONE OK ROCKの海外ライブは2011年の韓国が最初だったと思うんですが、海外に出ていきたいという想いは一貫されていますね。
- Taka(Vo.)「そうですね。バンドを結成した時、N.Y.行きのチケットを勝手に買って事務所に何も言わずに行こうとしていたくらいだし、バンドの活動を日本だけに限定するのは自分たちの感覚としてはナンセンスだと思っていました」
- ――昨年のヨーロッパ、アジア、そして今年に入ってアメリカと海外ツアーが続いていますが、このタイミングで海外に出ていったのは何か動機があったんですか?
- Taka「いえ。“このタイミングに海外へ行きたい!”っていう特別な想いがあったわけではないんです。バンドの歩みとして、バンドを結成してま ず自分たちで音源を作り、それをライブハウスに持っていってライブができるようになる。そこで動員が増えたら離れた場所へ自分たちから足を運んでライブを するじゃないですか。それとまったく同じ感覚で、もっともっと遠くに足を伸ばして行こうっていう感覚ですね」
- ――現在公開中のドキュメンタリー映画『FOOL COOL ROCK! ONE OK ROCK DOCUMENTARY FILM』は、昨年のヨーロッパ、アジアツアーに密着した作品ですが、初日パリ公演に向かう道中の心境はいかがでしたか?
- Taka「チケットが売れているという話は聞いていたんですけど、本当に人がいるという実感がまったくなかったので、自分たちとしてはイベントに 出演するような感覚だったんです。でも蓋を開けてみたら2日前からお客さんが並んでくれていて、その光景を目の当たりにした時はびっくりしたし、本当にす ごくうれしかったですね」
- ――確認なんですけど、ONE OK ROCKの音源は海外でリリースされてないんですよね?
- Toru(G.)「そう。海外で音源がリリースされているわけではなく、みんなYouTubeとかネットを通じて僕らの音楽を知って興味を持って観に来てくれてるんですよね」
- Taka「もちろん海外でリリースしていたら、状況はまた違うものがあるんでしょうけど、今の時代、海外でリリースしてもそんなにCDが売れるわ
- ――YouTubeにアップされてるミュージックビデオの再生回数が、現時点で2000万回以上あるミュージックビデオあって、コメント欄も世界中からメッセージが寄せられています。自分たちでは海外における現在のポジティヴな状況をどのように分析されていますか?
- Taka「いや、まったくわからないですね。ただモチベーションとしては、“海外でもイケる!”と普通に考えていたし、その“海外でもイケ る!”っていう感覚は、“海外で成功したい”というより、“海外の人たちが僕らの音楽を聴いてどう思うのか?”ということを意識しながら音楽を作ってきた ことで生まれた手応えなんですよ。その手応えこそが自分たちにとっては一番大切だし、海外にもちょっとずつ伝わりつつある要因なのかなって思っています ね」
- ――海外の反応を見てると、Takaの英語がネイティヴ・レベルで、歌がスムーズに伝わってくるという感想が多いですよね。
- Taka「そこが不思議なんですよね。だって僕はネイティヴじゃないし(笑)。海外でレコーディングしてても発音を直されたり、自分としてはまだ まだだなって思ってますから。まぁ洋楽がずっと好きだったというのはありますけど、実際そんなたいしたことなくて、みんなやればできるレベルだと思ってい るんですけどね(笑)」
- ――(笑)。映像を観る限りONE OK ROCKの海外ツアーはお客さんが日本語に理解があったり、普段のライブとそんなに温度差を感じなかったところが不思議でした。
- Taka「会場の雰囲気だったり匂いはもちろん違いますし、会場の外に出たりステージに上がる前に“あ、ここは日本じゃないんだな”と思うことは あっても、ライブ中はお客さんが全部曲を覚えてくれているし、僕らもいつも通り一生懸命ライブをやってるだけなので温度差は特に感じなかったんですよね。 それは自分たちとしても不思議でした」
- ――パリでは機材トラブルで開演時間が遅れたり、マレーシアではバンドに非がないのに会場のオーナーがヘソを曲げてしまったり。日本では起こりえないトラブルも映像には残されています。
- Taka「そうですね。そういうライブ環境はまったくの別モノなので、バンドとしては風邪をひかないように日頃から体調管理をするというより、 “風邪をひかない体を既に作っておく”という感覚なんですね。だから、“これがないとライブができません”というのは違うというか、そういうのをすべて 取っ払ったところで、“はい、ギター! はい、ベース! はい、ドラム! はい、マイク!”って渡されてすぐに演奏できる状況を作りたいですね」
僕らには僕らの夢がある。その夢を実際に体験するべく、実現するべく前進- ――海外進出した日本のバンドはみんな口を揃えて、そういうタフさがないと海外のツアーはやっていけないと言いますもんね。今回海外を回ってみて、個人的にぐっと来た瞬間というのは?
- Taka「やっぱりお客さんに金髪の女の子がいるとテンション上がりますよね(笑)」
- Ryota(B.)「かわいい子いっぱいいたしね」
- ――下着が投げ込まれたり(笑)。
- Taka「最高でしたね。生まれてきてよかった(笑)」
- Toru「でもインドネシアのジャカルタでのライブは野外の仮設ステージだったんですけど、真夏みたいに暑い上に楽屋も外にあるし、ホテルに戻っ たら戻ったでクーラーが真冬並みに寒かったりして(笑)。しかもその時のライブは演奏している最中に床が抜けそうになって、あの時は“どうやって対応した らいいんだ!? ”ってかなり焦りましたね(笑)。プレイ中の俺らができることではないので、曲中にスタッフの人を呼んで、“マジで床が抜けそうだから何とかしてくださ い!”ってお願いしたら、演奏している最中にステージ下で補強作業してました(笑)」
- Tomoya(Dr.)「あと、辛いんだろうなと思っていたら意外に楽しかったのがバス移動ですね。お風呂に入ってる時間がないので、ライブハウスのシャワーを順番に浴びてそのままバスで移動するんですけど、車内にベッドがあったので快適でしたね」
- Taka「バス以外でもほとんど寝てたやん(笑)!」
- Tomoya「(笑)。寝ないとやっぱりツアーは乗り切れないですからね」
- Taka「彼は飛行機乗って2秒で眠れる男ですから(笑)」
- ――(笑)。長いツアーは睡眠がとても大事だと思います。そんな昨年のヨーロッパ、アジアツアーはバンドにどんな影響をもたらしましたか?
- Taka「ちょっとずつではありますけど、変わっていってる気がしますね。根本的に何かが変わるわけではないんですけど、国が変わればライブのノ リも違いますから、そうした経験を経て、“こういう曲を作りたいな”っていうアイデアがあれこれ出てきているところです。今年に入って、N.Y.、 L.A.でライブをやって、さらに5月からはトロントや北米を少し回るんですけど、きっと最高に楽しくてキツい、そのツアーを通じて得られるものはたくさ んあるんじゃないかって確信してます。日本ではしばらくライブができないのでさびしくもあるんですけど、僕らには僕らの夢があるので。その夢を実際に体験 するべく、実現するべく、実際に行かないことには全然満足できないバンドなので(笑)、ちょっとだけ待っていて欲しいですね」
- ――アメリカ大陸は広いですからね。
- Ryota「周りからもアメリカは本当に大変だよってすごく言われてて。だからメンバーみんなジムに通って、体力作りは今まで以上にしているので、準備万端で臨みたいですね」
{ Translation }
This is ONE OK ROCK, whose popularity has been rapidly rising recently, even among the foreign people. Started from autumn last year in Paris and took a whole month, they went for their first European and Asian tour, which was held in 11 countries and 12 venues. Following these guys’ steps, their first Documentary Film [FOOL COOL ROCK! ONE OK ROCK DOCUMENTARY FILM] is currently playing in theaters. From the eyes of Nakano Hiroyuki, the person who produced Japanese and foreign artists’ music video and a feature film titled [SF Samurai – Fiction], and the person who happened to be the director of the mentioned documentary film, what kind of band is ONE OK ROCK?
— I think that the first time ONE OK ROCK did a live abroad was in 2011 in South Korea, but this desire of going abroad has always been consistent, hasn’t it?
Taka (Vo.): That’s right. It was to the point where, back then when the band was just formed, I arbitrarily bought a ticket to N.Y. and went without telling the company. I was thinking that, in the capacity of our band’s feelings, it would be nonsense to limit the band’s activity to just within Japan.
— Speaking about your European and Asian tour last year that was followed by your American tour that you’ve been doing since the start of this year, did you have any motivation in going abroad with this timing?
Taka: No. It’s not that we had the special intention of “let’s go abroad now!”. If we’re talking about the band’s progress, what’s important for us after we formed the band is first of all to be able to create our own sound, to take this sound into the live houses, and then to perform lives. And then, as our mobilization increased, wouldn’t it be reasonable to make our way to faraway places to perform lives? Similarly, we feel that we want to expand our reach even further.
— The Documentary film currently playing, [FOOL COOL ROCK! ONE OK ROCK DOCUMENTARY FILM], is a movie that gave a total coverage of the European and Asian Tour that you did last year. But what kind of mental state were you in when you were facing your first day of performance in Paris?
Taka: I heard that our tickets were getting sold, but I didn’t have the actual feeling that people would really come. That’s why for us it felt like we were doing a performance in an event. However, when we chanced to open the curtains, we saw that the fans had already lined up 2 days before the live. The moment we saw that sight, we were so surprised, and we were also truly very happy.
— I’m just making sure, but ONE OK ROCK has not released its music abroad, hasn’t it?
Toru (G.): That’s right. We haven’t released anything outside of Japan, but everyone found out about our music through YouTube or internet. From that, they became interested and then came to see our lives.
Taka: Of course the situation would have been different if we had released our singles or albums outside of Japan. However, in this era, releasing our CDs internationally doesn’t always mean that they will be sold. YouTube and the internet have become the center of everything. We have the awareness that there will definitely be a language barrier, that sometimes some people would think it’s no good if the lyrics are not in English. But on the contrary, I think there is Japanese merit in Japanese language. No matter what people say, we are Japanese people. So even though we say, “this is a 100% Western song!”, when foreigners listen to it they will find that it sounds different. There’s balance in it. If the situation allows us to, we’d like to make the search to become a flexibly cool band.
— Some of your music videos that were uploaded to YouTube have currently reached no less than 20,000,000 views. Besides, these videos have also received messages from all over the world in the comment field. How do you analyze this recent positive situation regarding your activities abroad?
Taka: To tell the truth, I really don’t get it. In terms of our motivation, we were generally thinking, “We can do well abroad!”. Rather than “I want to be successful abroad”, we thought more about “what would foreign people think when they listen to our songs?”. With that awareness in our minds we created songs, and people’s response was born from the songs. This response is, in our opinion, the most important thing, and I think it is the main cause of why we are making our way to convey our music to the people abroad
— When I saw the response from foreign people, a lot of them said that Taka’s English is of a native level, and you managed to pronounce the lyrics smoothly in the songs.
Taka: That is really a miracle. I really am not a native (lol). When we were recording abroad I had my pronunciation fixed, because I personally think that I’m still bad at it. Well, there’s the fact that I have always liked Western music. It’s really not a big deal, and I think this is a level that everybody else can do too if you try (lol).
— (lol). There were scenes in the movie where ONE OK ROCK’s foreign fans understood Japanese language. I found it amazing that, in terms of their enthusiasm, I didn’t even feel the difference between watching a live abroad and here in Japan.
Taka: The atmosphere of the venue and the sense were obviously different. And when I went outside of the venue, when I stood on the stage, I also thought, “this really isn’t Japan.” But during the live, all of the audience memorized our songs, and the four of us as usual also gave our best in performing, so we really didn’t feel the difference in the enthusiasm. We personally also think that that’s amazing.
— You faced problems like the equipment troubles in Paris that caused the live to be delayed for some time, and in Malaysia, where the owner of the venue was angry even though it was not the band’s fault. These scenes about the troubles you’ve never dealt in Japan were also shown in the movie.
Taka: Right. Those kinds of live environment were another thing entirely. Speaking about the band, rather than keeping up our physical condition so as to not to catch a cold, we feel like we are more “we are creating a body that will never catch a cold”. That’s why, it isn’t “we can’t perform if we don’t have this”, but we’d rather throw all that away. We want to be able to create a condition where we can perform as soon as we are handed our instruments; “yes, here’s the guitar! Here’s the bass! The drums! The microphone!”
— So you’re saying that, just like what every other band that has advanced to foreign markets, you won’t be able to do an international tour if you don’t have that toughness. Throughout this tour abroad, were there any moments that you personally found exceptionally touching?
Taka: As expected, my tension rose up when I saw lots of blonde girls among the audience (lol).
Ryota: Lots of cute girls, huh.
— And they threw underwear to the stage, too (lol).
Taka: Lately a lot of them did. I’m glad I was born into this life (lol).
Toru: But in Jakarta, Indonesia, we had a temporary stage outdoors for the live. The heat felt like in the middle of summer, and we had our changing room outside as well. But once we got back to the hotel, the temperature of the air conditioners in our rooms felt like in the middle of winter (lol). However, during the live, while we were performing, the floor seemed like it was going to fall off. I was so flustered, thinking, “would you just do something to deal with this!?” (lol). We couldn’t do anything because we were in the middle of performing, but then during one of the songs I called a staff guy and asked him, “can you please do something about the floor? I really think it’s going to collapse!” So then while we were performing, there were people under the stage putting up reinforcements for the floor (lol).
Tomoya (Dr.): I thought that moving around in the bus would be difficult, but unexpectedly it was a lot of fun. We had no time to take a bath, so we took turns in the showers in the live houses to wash ourselves. And just like that, we got back into the bus. But there were beds in the bus, so it was really comfortable.
Taka: You sleep practically everywhere, not just in the bus (lol)!
Tomoya: (lol). I won’t be able to go through the tour if I don’t sleep.
Taka: It’s because he’s the kind of guy who can fall asleep 2 seconds after he boards a plane (lol).
— (lol). I think sleep is very important when you’re in the middle of a long tour. So what kind of influence did you get from your European and Asian Tour last year?
Taka: I feel that we are changing even if it’s just a small step at a time. It’s not that we’ve changed our fundamentals. As we visit different countries, we will find that the atmospheres are also different. By going through this experience, we will undergo changes in the place where our ideas, the inspirations that spur us to write songs, come from. From the beginning of this year, we’ve been to NY and LA to do lives. Furthermore, starting from May we will be going around Toronto and Northern America for a bit. It’s definitely interesting and intense, and I believe that by going through this tour we will gain a lot of things. I do feel a little lonely for not being able to do a live in Japan for quite a while, but we have dreams in our minds. In order to get the actual experience, in order to implement our dreams, we’re a band that will never be satisfied if we don’t put our thoughts into action (lol). So we’d like you guys in Japan to wait just a little bit longer, okay?
— Well, America is a really large continent, right.
Ryota: People around me told me that America was really difficult. That’s why all the members have been going back and forth to the gym. So far we’ve been building up our stamina, because we’d like to face these difficulties with all sorts of preparation.
Credit : Flying Postman
Credit translation : akinojou.tumblr.com) Thank You Akinojou for the translations :D
Thanks for Coming
Kapan-kapan Main Lagi ya...
Uwouwoww... Eaaa Jakarta disebutin :v
BalasHapusAda prasaan seneng sama miris. heheheh :D
Hapusseneng aja lah mba ksebut klo gada kejadian itu siapa tau ga kesebut hahaha *piss*
BalasHapushei toruuu bukan kamu aja yg ngerasa pas diluar in the middle of summer dan di dalam ruangan like in the middle of winter hahaha
*maaf kepanjangan dan gaje*
Jadi Toru maunya apa gitu? maunya yang gimana?
Hapusin the middle of autumn? hahahahahaha
in the middle of my heart aja deh mba *kemudiandiserangfangirl*
BalasHapusmba ih trusin lagi dong fanfic nya yaa.. yg pathetic okai?! da cantik :-)
Jiahhh ga apa apa deh kalo Toru, buat kamu juga boleh.
Hapusasal jangan mas taka aja dah. hahahaha
Minggu depan mungkin ya, soalnya beneran lagi ada yang dipikirin banget jadi rada galau gitu deh. Mau nulis pun malah kepikiran masalah yang bikin galau itu.
pokoknya tenaaaang... sabaaaar.. pasti ada terusannya kok...
tapi entah kapan.... #ngakakgulingguling